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Simeon Chien
and the
Noisy Boys

The start of Simeon Chien’s music career


A musician born with a rare condition in his mouth called ‘cystic hyroma’ and a diagnosis of autism at the age of 5, Simeon Chien developed an interest in music before he left Fintry Primary School. The school provided him with music therapy, which helped him while he was severally autistic and went through his feeding tubes during his childhood. According to a case study about Simeon from his therapist, he did not communicate verbally, but communicated through music. Afterwards, Simeon did some brain gym and relaxation and heard Billy Joel playing on the CD player, which got him interested in music and he was keen to learn a musical instrument and sing. When Simeon went into Grove High School, he went through difficulties with his teachers in the support for learning department who refused to allow him into the music department and kept him behind the unit. Simeon no longer needed tube feeding as his condition improved and he pursued a career in music at Grove. Firstly, he achieved an intermediate 1 & 2 qualification in his fourth year and then achieved a higher in music before going to university. He went to Perth College UHI for 8 years and achieved an honours degree in popular music and a 3rd year degree in audio engineering. He now plays bass in the Dundee University Big Band, Jazzmopolitan, plays his own solo gigs and is the founding member of Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys


Simeon Chien’s song-writing career


In 2012, Simeon Chien started writing his own songs, which is his main passion in music. He recorded his first solo album ‘All For The Tower’ at his home, recording his own vocals and playing all instruments, such as guitar, bass guitar, drums, piano, ukulele and double bass. He later on recorded his other solo albums, such as ‘The Suspension Bridge’, ‘Funked By Rap’, ‘Bass Guitar Man’, ‘A Day In New York City’, ‘The Night’, ‘The Whole World’, ‘Storm Blow’, ‘Having Trouble With Ice’, ‘Autumn Trees At Fall’, ‘The Future Of What We Bring’, ‘Jazz And Big Band Stories’ and ‘A Bright-Coloured Night’ including a greatest hits and ultimate collection albums. All of these albums were also recorded at home by Simeon with his independent recording and post-production. He only recorded these albums every year, so the timeline of his albums began from 2012 to the present time. Simeon’s major success was with his songs, such as “Tourist In Belgium”, “Stones And Rocks”, “Fire Is Lit”, “Fire Of An Atom”, “Until The Daylight” and “Times To Remember You”, etc.


How Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys formed as a band


In 2023, Simeon performed at open mic nights, where he met his friend from high school ‘Fyfe Galbraith’. While Simeon still had musicians playing alongside him in what was called ‘The Simeon Chien Band’ at the time, his former keyboard player was moving to Switzerland for university, so he contacted Fyfe, asking him to become his new keyboard player, which Fyfe agreed in doing so. Rehearsals were delayed as previous musicians stepped out of Simeon’s band. Later in 2023, Fyfe invited Simeon to perform alongside him at his gigs at the Glass Pavilion, where he met Fyfe’s family. Fyfe’s sister ‘Isla Galbraith’ returned to Dundee after studying and working in London and she agreed to join Simeon’s band as his co-singer and backing vocalist. Simeon also met their younger brother ‘Mac Galbraith’ who then agreed to become his drummer. Simeon received a message from a Perth College student ‘Daniel Scott’, saying that he was looking for a band to play in. Simeon agreed to allow Daniel to play in his band as a lead guitarist and he phoned Fyfe to say that Daniel was joining the band. Simeon was also on the look-out for a guitarist who plays bass, so Fyfe forwarded him to his cousin ‘Calum Burt’, who agreed to take over on bass when Simeon played guitar and piano and play guitar when Simeon played bass. The band formed at its complete line-up and rehearsals were on-going leading into 2024.


Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys Gigs


In 2024, the band played their first gig at The Twa Tams in Perth and renamed their band name to ‘Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys’. The gig was a success and the band gained confidence in their live performance skills after the show. It also meant that Simeon had achieved a goal in his career that he was dreaming of doing for many years throughout his career.


Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys performed their second show at Groucho’s Music Bar in Dundee in May 2024. Again, the gig was a success and the band performed a different set of Simeon’s original songs and covers. Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys are returning to Groucho’s in August 2024 to perform another show.


Later in May 2024, Simeon was invited to perform alongside Fyfe and Isla at the Ferry Ridge fundraiser event at the Glass Pavilion, all three musicians singing and playing guitar and piano as solo artists, although Fyfe and Isla joined Simeon when he performed songs that he sang with Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys in dedication to the fact that they are his bandmates, having worked with him since 2023.


On the 15th of August 2024, Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys were scheduled to play a gig at Groucho's Music Bar but the band postponed the gig to the 19th of September after Simeon was taken ill with a swelling in his tongue, leading to hospital admission.


On the 25th August 2024, Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys played a at the Beer Festival at the Fisherman's Bar in Broughty Ferry. Unexpected circumstances occurred as Simeon was recovering from his period in the hospital, Isla was unable to attend the gig, due to work commitments with the Women's Open in St Andrew's, leading Simeon and Fyfe to cover the vocals for Isla and Daniel had commitments with Sean Findlay's musical 'The Shakey Shakey Hips at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival before the day of the gig, so the band therefore, did not rehearse for the Beer Festival gig. The gig went really well despite the unexpected happening.

On the 19th September 2024, Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys made their return to Groucho’s Music Bar in Dundee for their second performance. The full band attended the gig and things went very well with the gig, as the band had improved their live performance skills and everyone was very confident on-stage. The gig was rated as the most excellent show for the band.

On the 11th December 2024, Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys were initially scheduled to perform at Bannerman’s Bar in Edinburgh, but Simeon had to postpone the gig to the 31st March 2025, due to another swelling in his tongue, leading him to be admitted to Ninewells Hospital. After being discharged on Tuesday, he took some rest at home, but was re-admitted to the hospital, due to another swelling in his tongue and at both sides of his glands.

On the 9th January 2025, Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys made their third appearance at Groucho’s Music Bar, making the start of their 2025 shows, but Isla was unwell with the flu, so the band was therefore, reduced to 5 members for the show. The gig was successful and the band played a variety of songs that were played at their first gig at the Twa Tams in Perth in February 2024.


On the 17th January 2025, Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys made their debut appearance at Ivory Black’s in Glasgow. However, Isla was still unwell with the flu at which she was recovering from it but was still unable to sing at the show, so the band was again, reduced to 5 members. The show went really well and the venue had a great atmosphere and great acoustics from the live sound systems provided.




In conclusion, Simeon Chien is passionate about music and song-writing because of his history of his autism diagnosis and cystic hygroma condition since being in hospital as a baby and young child. Music helps him with his health and well-being, form relationships with others and gains him confidence with the world around him. He has no plans to retire from music and will continue writing his own songs and performing with Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys throughout his life.


Simeon Chien And The Noisy Boys

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